Bega 忌廉芝士20公斤

成分:牛奶,   忌廉,   鹽,   增稠劑 (剌槐豆膠 E410, 瓜爾膠 E412),  培養物 (乳脂乳酸乳球菌)

營養資料: 每包裝所含食用分量數目:800 食用分量:25克
 平均每份 平均每100克
能量  360千卡  1440千卡 
蛋白質 2.1克  8.3克 
脂肪, 總量 8.4克  33.7克 
– 飽和 5.7克  22.6克 
碳水化合物  少於 1克 2.9
– 糖 l 少於 1克 2.6
鈉  83毫克 330毫克

The Bega brand is one of Australia’s most successful and trusted dairy brands. From milk, cream and butter, through to cream cheese, processed cheese and a variety of natural cheeses, Bega is enjoyed by millions of consumers around the world. 

Its popularity is testament to its track record. The Bega brand started in 1899 and built a reputation for rich dairy flavour and goodness. Whilst our business has grown to more regions some things haven’t changed.

With over 100 years of experience and knowledge, our dedicated cheese makers,  product developers and manufacturing experts ensure that Bega products are of a consistent high quality.

Bega is made by the Bega Cheese Group. Established in 1899, we’ve grown  to one of Australia’s leading dairy companies. Bega Cheese is publically listed on the Australian stock exchange.

We manufacture and export an extensive range of natural and processed cheese,  as well as other dairy products to more than 40 countries worldwide.

To a large extent, we export the same great products as we sell in the  Australian market, where Bega is one of the best selling brand of cheese. We do however tailor make cheese products to suit particular international  requirements and meet consumer needs.